TINNITUS (ringing in ears)

The movie ‘A Star is Born’ puts the spotlight on Tinnitus. Tinnitus or TinnItus is the medical term we use to describe ringing in the ears, and there are more than 50 million suffers. It is the number one service-connected disability among our Veterans. The latest research supports that this is the normal ear’s responseContinue Reading


  I was asked about something most of us take for granted – a normal voice and ability to swallow. We use our normal voices to communicate and not even thinking that we’re swallowing at least once or twice per minute. The mechanism to produce voice involves our vocal cords, the muscles that control theContinue Reading


Now’s the time of year when we love to be outdoors and getting physical – gardening, biking, running, baseball, golf, boating. Summer is when we all like to get out and move. It’s also the time of year when external ear infections are common. Known as external otitis or swimmer’s ear, external ear infections areContinue Reading

The Perfect Storm for Pollen

Welcome to the “Perfect Storm for Pollen”, which is what triggers allergy symptoms. There are a number of things that got us here. The long cold and snowy winter kept the ground covered and moist for an extended winter season. April was cold and rainy so trees did not bloom like they normally do atContinue Reading


Tired of winter and snow, with its high mold spores and dust mite count? How about the colds and viruses that have been rampant? Trees are about ready to bloom, so get ready for springtime and tree pollen season. Tree pollens are one of the strongest antigens of the year. Twenty percent of all adultsContinue Reading


Have you seen internet sites that sell nutritional supplements to reduce or eliminate ringing in the ears? What is tinnitus? What works to get rid of it? Tinnitus or TinnItus is the medical term we use to describe ringing in the ears, and there are more than 50 million suffers. It is the number oneContinue Reading

Back to School Hearing Health

The school year is right around the corner. Parents are busy preparing their children with back to school supplies and outfits. It’s also important to pay attention to your child’s hearing health. Hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to develop speech, language, and social skills. The earlier children with hearing loss start getting services,Continue Reading


Do you know of anyone who’s had vertigo or the feeling of being off balanced? Have you experienced it? Did it frighten you? Vertigo is a sensation of disequilibrium where the patient feels abnormal motion. Sometimes, the room around you is spinning. At other times, you feel like your spinning and the room is inContinue Reading